Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30 - May 4, 2012

Language Arts:

  • Spelling-- clue, blue, cue, due, glue, hue, done, bear; Bonus: true
  • Comprehension-- Story Structure; Problem/Solution
  • Vocabulary -- Synonyms
  • Phonics focus-- long vowel patterns (long vowel u)
Math: Graphing

Social Studies: Growing Things

Bible: "Jesus Begins His Church" 
           Reference: Acts 3:1-26 
           Target Truth: God wants us to learn how wrong sin is and how much it hurts us.

Important Notes: School is quickly coming to an end. Don't forget to check the "Important Dates" section on the blog to stay up to date with our final school events. Also, our field trip to Handey's Greenhouse is May 8th from 8:15 - 10 a.m. Please e-mail me if you plan to attend. I encourage all available dads to attend (we will do something special for mom). Thanks!

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 - 27, 2012

Brian is our Star!!!

Long vowel practice continued; Fluency practice (automatic recognition of words)
Spelling (oa vowel team) boat, goat, coat, moat, load, toad, want, now; Bonus; throat
Comprehension: Sequence, retelling a story

Addition practice : adding with doubles
Subtraction problems
Mental Math: adding or subtracting 1 or 2
Counting tens and ones

Social Studies/Science
How a seed grows

The House on the Rock
Scripture Text: Matt. 7:24-27
Target Truth - We need to build our lives on the rock, Jesus.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 16 - 20, 2012

Towns is the Star!

Mid-term progress reports come home this week.

A look ahead: We have one more field trip! We would love to have the dads join us on this trip as we will be doing something special for mom! May 8th we will go to Handey's Greenhouse (Yes, they are cousins of my husband!). We will leave the school at 8:15 a.m. and return by 10 a.m. 


  • Spelling: she, he, day, say, pray, may, stay, bay; Bonus: today (ay vowel team practice
  • Phonics Focus: Continue vowel team practice (examples: ay, ai, oa, ie)
  • Vocabulary: Plant words
  • Continue reading "challenge books" nightly
  • Complete Calendar and Temperature unit
  • Number Order Practice
  • Addition/Subtraction Practice
  • Measurement Review

Social Studies/Science

Spring:  The Garden/Plants

The Good Shepherd
Scripture Text: Luke 10:25-37; John 10:1-42Memory Verse: Psalm 100:5

Monday, April 9, 2012

He is Risen!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter celebrating the joy of our risen Savior! Thank you so much to the Jones' family for hosting our egg hunt on Thursday! Below is a look at what we are learning! Have a wonderful week!

Luke M. is our Star!

  • Phonics Focus: vowel teams where the first vowel says its name (examples: ea, ee, ay, ai) We had fun sorting words with ee like Peeps and ea like jelly beans last week!
  • Vocabulary: Question words (who, what, when, where, why)
  • Spelling: read, eat, feet, meet, what, of, thin, ring; Bonus: street
  • The Calendar: Days of the Week, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,  Numbers on the calendar
  • Number Order Practice
  • Addition/Subtraction Practice
  • Measurement Review
Social Studies/Science
Spring:  The Garden/Plants


Jesus Lives Again!
Scripture Text: Matthew 28:1-10
Memory Verse: John 3:16