Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7 - 17, 2012

Wow! Can you believe that it is the end of the year? It is so much fun to reflect and see how much our children have grown this year. I'm always a little sad this time of year to think that my "babies" will leave me, but I feel privileged to teach at Trinity where I can watch them grow up over the years! I know I've said it a number of times throughout the year, but I want to thank you once more for sharing your children with me. I count that a wonderful blessing!

You will notice that we will spend most of our time reviewing, practicing, and using the skills we have learned throughout the year. Remember that I will send some summer practice activities next week.

Tomorrow is our field trip to Handey's Greenhouse. We will leave Trinity at 8:15. Students should wear their regular uniform.

Remember to check the "Important Dates" section on the left hand side of the blog for end of the year activities and early dismissals.

Language Arts:

  • No spelling list this week!
  • r controlled vowels (ar, or), phonics review
  • Story structure, challenge book sharing (Please try to send classroom books back to school by Friday.)
  • Complete graphing study
  • Review addition, subtraction, patterns, money, and place value
Social Science
  • Mother's Day
  • Growing Things
  • "Paul -- The First Missionary," Ref. Acts 4:1-22
  • "Paul Spreads the Gospel," Ref. Acts 4:8-18