Enjoy the pictures above of the two full day classes at the museum on Tuesday!
We have had a fun, busy week celebrating Read Across America and studying Dr. Suess! The students continue to impress me with their skills. I am having a lot of fun finding new ways to challenge them each week. We have been very blessed to once again team up with Mrs. Helms' 7th graders this week. They are helping us learn about persuasive writing and speaking. The K5 and 7th grade students will join forces to make commercials trying to persuade others to read. I will certainly post the videos when they are complete!
I am very excited about the stories the student wrote this week too. They each wrote their own story about "The Adventures of Thing One and Thing Two." The stories are wonderful! The students began with a rough draft and then edited their work and wrote final drafts. I have no doubt that you will enjoy them as much as I have! They will be posted in the hallway outside of our room soon.
Below is a peek at our week ahead:
Kensley is our Star!
Phonics: Introduce long vowel words with silent e
Comprehension: Categorize and Classify
Vocabulary: Insect words
Spelling words: are, for, my she, big, quit, pig, kit
Bonus: kite
Math - Subtraction
-Story Problems About Take Away and Comparing
-Using the Minus Sign
-Finding the Difference
-The Money Game
Social Studies
Insects (BUGS)
Bible - Jesus And The Children
Scripture Text: Matthew 19:13-15
Memory Verse: "Let the little children come to Me." Mark 10:14
Target Truth: God loves little children very much and has a special plan for each one.