Friday, March 16, 2012

Check out the videos our students did with Mrs. Helms' Public Speaking class. They made commercials for reading! Enjoy!

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Remember our field trip to Lanark is Thursday. Science Fest is Friday and we will dismiss at 11:30. Then we will enjoy a week off for Spring Break! Below is a peek at our week ahead!

Ella is our Star!


  • Phonics Focus: Recognizing and reading long vowel words with silent "e"
  • Comprehension: Identifying fiction and non-fiction text
  • Vocabulary: Question words (who, what, when, where, why)
  • Spelling: you, with, mop, mope, kit, kite, tub, tube;  Bonus: they
Subtraction practice, Missing number practice, and time review

Social Studies

"Jesus Heals the Sick" from Mark 10:46-52
Memory verse: Psalm 100:4
Target Truth: Jesus did many miracles by making sick people well.

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