Monday, August 29, 2011

Handey News for August 29 - Sept. 2

We have worked hard this week! The students have done a great job of working in Literacy centers and reading with me at the small group table! They worked on the Mac laptops and practice using a mouse. We ended the week with a cooking activity where we made edible aquariums with blue jello and gummy fish. We discussed how the jello changed from a liquid to a solid. The activity extended a story from our reading lesson that highlights the various colors of fish.
This coming week we will be wrapping up our theme of colors. We have been working a lot with the color words and I will check the students ability to read all the color words by the end of the week. Also, next week we will begin our nightly reading practice. Look for the “Book Bag” in your child’s backpack. 
Next Friday we will make “Friendship Fruit Salad” to wrap up our theme on colors. If you would like to send fruit to contribute to this project please e-mail me ( and let me know what fruit you would like to send. 
Our lesson objectives for next week below as well as important dates. Have a great week!
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see
    • Language/Writing Skills: singular words and plural words
    • Phonics focus: /r/
    • Comprehension skill focus: Sequence of events
Handwriting Skills: Letters Oo, Aa, Dd
Math: Complete Topic 2: Position and Location; Topic 3: Patterns
Social Science: Ocean Life
Bible: Adam and Eve sin; Memory verse: “They eyes of the Lord are in every place keeping watch over the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3
Important dates:
  • Picture Day -- August 31
  • Labor Day Holiday -- September 5
  • Fall Festival -- September 23, 2-3 p.m.
  • Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch -- Tuesday, October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge per adult. Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)

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