Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our First Day!!

We had a great first day!

I am very blessed to be teaching such a precious group of boys and girls! Thank you for sharing them with me. Our first day went by quickly, but we were able to meet many of our special teachers and explore each center as you can see above. This week we will continue to get to know Trinity and our classroom routines. I will also introduce our reading, math, Bible, and handwriting curriculum materials.

Please make note of the following helpful tips and reminders:
  • School officially starts at 8 a.m. We will be very prompt about starting our Morning Meeting at that time. There will be a teacher on duty in the common area beginning at 7:30 a.m. for early arrivers. Students may go in their classrooms beginning at 7:45 a.m.
  • Air conditioning can be chilly for some of us! Many students enjoy having a light jacket or sweatshirt at school to help them stay comfortable under the air conditioning vents. 
  • Our regular snack schedule begins tomorrow. Students should be bring a healthy snack to enjoy in the afternoon. Please do not send fruit cups or Gogurts as the clean up from these snacks often steals our class time. Crackers and whole fruit are always great choices! Water for student snacks will be provided.

I am looking forward to the rest of our week!

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