Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Fall!

We had an exciting week! Watch the video to see the students sing their own version of "Rain, Rain, Go Away." We were happy the rain did stay away! Also, the seniors in Mrs. Watson's science class came and taught the students about healthy bones. It was a wonderful treat and learning experience. We love spending time with the "giants."

Below is a peek at the week ahead:

Language Arts:
-High Frequency Words: a, to
-Language/Writing Skills:  position words, building sentences, 
  word spacing
-Phonics focus: /h/, word families with short a (at, an)
-Comprehensions Skills:  text organization and summarizing

Math  - Topic 5:  Six to Ten
- Counting, Making, and Writing 6 -10
- Reading number words six-ten (review zero-five)

Handwriting Focus : Letter formation
 -Vocabulary - Headline, Midline, Baseline

Social Studies:  Communities, Families, and Friends

Bible:  Abraham and Isaac

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19 - 23, 2011

Friday we baked bread to kick off our unit on Communities, Families, and Friends. Baking bread is a special activity Mrs. Handey shares with her boys. Above you can see a few of our friends kneading their bread. The best part of our day was eating what we baked! Yum! Check out what's going on this week below.

Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see, my, like
    • Language/Writing Skills: Writing sentences
    • Phonics focus: Making words with onset and rime
    • Comprehension skill focus: Inference: Drawing Conclusions
Handwriting Skills: Review letters learned
Math: Topic 4: Numbers 0 to 5 --Comparing (more, less, same), Making an organized list, number words
Social Science: Communities, Families, and Friends
Bible: The Tower of Babel; Memory verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23; Character trait/Life Application: Humility
Important dates:
  • Fall Festival -- September 23, 2-3 p.m.
  • Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch -- Tuesday, October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge per adult. Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 12 - 16

We had a great short week. The students are doing a super job reading the books in their book bags. I am so proud of them! Below is a peek at what we are doing next week and some important dates to remember. Have a wonderful weekend!

Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see, my, like
    • Language/Writing Skills: Using exact naming words (nouns)
    • Phonics focus: /b/
    • Comprehension skill focus: Drawing Conclusions; Predict/Infer
Handwriting Skills: Letters Cc, Ee, Ff
Math: Topic 4: Counting, Reading, Writing, and Comparing Numbers: 0 to 5
Social Science: Ocean Life
Bible: The Story of Noah; Memory verse: “Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.” Genesis 7:5

Important dates:
  • Casual for a Cause Thursday, September 15th
  • Fall Festival -- September 23, 2-3 p.m.
  • Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch -- Tuesday, October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge per adult. Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Pattern Crowns
Wow! The children have learned so much in the last couple of weeks! I am so proud of how well they are doing! We incorporated our Math Rotations into our schedule this week. During math time each child visits me in a small group and completes two other activities. Did you see our pattern crowns? The crowns were a rotation activity. Other activities include games and using manipulatives to practice skills we are learning. The students did great. One of the benefits of our new full day program is that I am able to pull students in small groups for both Reading and Math! Another exciting component of a full day is that we can incorporate Social Studies and Science (Social Science). We are studying ocean life. We have read some non-fiction books and learned that many informational books label their illustrations so the students are doing the same thing in one of our Literacy Rotations. We are also working on creating our very own ocean mural as we learn about various animals.

One thing that we did not get to this week was our Book Bags! Those should be ready to go home next week. Students will bring home books that are introduced in class to practice reading them at home. You will be amazed at how the five to ten minutes you take to sit and help them practice reading these books will accelerate their learning! Take a look below at what we will be doing next week and have wonderful long weekend!

Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see, my
    • Language/Writing Skills: Capitalize first word in a sentence, end sentences with punctuation
    • Phonics focus: /t/
    • Comprehension skill focus: Story Structure--Characters/setting
Handwriting Skills: Review letters practiced
Math: Complete Topic 3: Patterns
Social Science: Ocean Life
Bible: Story of Cain and Abel; Memory verse: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1