Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19 - 23, 2011

Friday we baked bread to kick off our unit on Communities, Families, and Friends. Baking bread is a special activity Mrs. Handey shares with her boys. Above you can see a few of our friends kneading their bread. The best part of our day was eating what we baked! Yum! Check out what's going on this week below.

Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: I, see, my, like
    • Language/Writing Skills: Writing sentences
    • Phonics focus: Making words with onset and rime
    • Comprehension skill focus: Inference: Drawing Conclusions
Handwriting Skills: Review letters learned
Math: Topic 4: Numbers 0 to 5 --Comparing (more, less, same), Making an organized list, number words
Social Science: Communities, Families, and Friends
Bible: The Tower of Babel; Memory verse: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23; Character trait/Life Application: Humility
Important dates:
  • Fall Festival -- September 23, 2-3 p.m.
  • Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch -- Tuesday, October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge per adult. Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)

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