Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy Fall!

We had an exciting week! Watch the video to see the students sing their own version of "Rain, Rain, Go Away." We were happy the rain did stay away! Also, the seniors in Mrs. Watson's science class came and taught the students about healthy bones. It was a wonderful treat and learning experience. We love spending time with the "giants."

Below is a peek at the week ahead:

Language Arts:
-High Frequency Words: a, to
-Language/Writing Skills:  position words, building sentences, 
  word spacing
-Phonics focus: /h/, word families with short a (at, an)
-Comprehensions Skills:  text organization and summarizing

Math  - Topic 5:  Six to Ten
- Counting, Making, and Writing 6 -10
- Reading number words six-ten (review zero-five)

Handwriting Focus : Letter formation
 -Vocabulary - Headline, Midline, Baseline

Social Studies:  Communities, Families, and Friends

Bible:  Abraham and Isaac

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