Monday, January 16, 2012

January 17 - 20, 2012

I hope everyone had a great holiday! Below is a look at what we will be focusing on this week!

Mary Carter is our Star of the Week!

Language Arts Skills:
High Frequency Words: Practice and review
Language/Writing Skills: using opposites, making lists
Phonics Focus: /x/; words with short i and short o; blending with digraphs (examples: ch, sh, th) and blends (examples: st, bl, cr)
Comprehension skill focus: predictions
Handwriting: sizing, spacing, and formation focus, letter review
Math: Fractions and Measurement: Ordinal Numbers to the tenth, Measuring length, measuring circumference 
Social Science: Spanish Culture Study
Bible: "King Solomon" 
Scripture reference: 2 Kings 5:1-5
Memory: "Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city." Proverbs 16:32

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