Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30 - February 3, 2012

Above is a glimpse of our Spanish Spotlight Day!

What to expect this week:

Lena Grace is our Star of the Week!

Language Arts Skills:
  • New High Frequency Words: said, he, she, play
  • Language/Writing Skills: writing with rhyming words; continue practice of using quotation marks
  • Phonics Focus: /y/; words with short e; continue blending with digraphs (examples: ch, sh, th) and blends (examples: st, bl, cr)
  • Comprehension skill focus: drawing conclusions
Math:  Addition to sums of 10

Social Science: The Farm

Bible: "Daniel and His Friends" 
Scripture reference: Daniel 1 and 3
Memory: "Do not be afraid." Deuteronomy 31:6

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