Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Have a wonderful week off to celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a great time to reflect and “count my blessings.” As I “name them one by one” I will certainly remember each child and your precious families. Thank you for the privilege of teaching your treasures. God is good!
We have had a busy and exciting week. We’ve practiced for our upcoming Christmas Play, spent time with senior “giants,” met our new 5th grade buddies, attended chapel, and used the school’s new iTouch devices to practice skills (see pictures below). Finally, on Friday the K4 students got us ready for Thanksgiving by singing some great songs for us in the commons area. Thursday we thanked our SAGE dining staff for all the yummy ways they bless us each day. See the pictures below! On top of all of that excitement we were able to praise God for keeping us all safe from the tornadoes on Wednesday. 

This time of year is busy schedule-wise, but for our students it is also busy academically! The students have learned so much over the last few months and I am thrilled to see the progress they have made. Below you will see a peek at our plans for when we return on Monday November 28th.
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: practice and review (look for flashcards to come home soon)
    • Language/Writing Skills: action and weather words
    • Phonics focus: /q/; blending words with “-it” and “qu”
    • Comprehension skill focus: Fantasy and Realism
Handwriting Skills: Qq, Rr, Hh, Jj
Math: Odd and Even Numbers, Counting to 100, Counting Groups of 10, Patterns on a 100s Chart, Skip Counting by 2 and 5
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice (Please help your child practice over the holidays.)
Bible: Samson -- God’s Strong Man; Memory Verse: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”; Character trait: humility

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