Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14 - 18, 2011

What a busy, exciting week we had last week! Below you can see pictures of our class using Skype to meet a K5 class from St. George's Independent School in Germantown, Tennessee! Each child introduced themselves and shared something they like about their school. We have plans to visit with our Skype pals each month this school year. We look forward to sharing and learning with these friends throughout the year. See the pictures of this exciting experience below.

We also had a great time practicing and performing our reader's theater scripts! I am so proud of their great expression. They were all very proud of themselves! Below you can see videos of the students practicing together and performing for Mrs. Allen's class.

Finally, we are so excited to have the opportunity to serve God through Operation Christmas Child. Below you will see some pictures of ladies from the organizations sharing with our K4 and K5 students about the program. Our class would like to pack two boxes--one for a 5 year old boy and one for a 5 year old girl. Please help your child choose one or two appropriate items to contribute to the box. All contributions need to be brought in by Wednesday. Boxes will be packed and turned in on Thursday. Thank you for your support of this wonderful service project--we are teaching our little ones to serve others!

We are looking forward to another busy week ahead that includes practicing for the Christmas Play. I hope you have already made arrangements to attend on Friday, December 9th. You don't want to miss our students telling the story of Jesus's birth! Below is what we will be doing this week. 

Language Arts Skills:
    • New High Frequency Word: here
    • Language/Writing Skills: using weather action words
    • Phonics focus: /k/; blending words with short i and short a
    • Comprehension skill focus: summarize
Handwriting Skills: Review and practice learned letters
Math: Counting, Reading and Writing Numbers 11 - 20
Social Science: Thanksgiving 
Bible: Joshua and Jericho; Target verse: “We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands.” 1 John 2:3; Target truths: The Holy Spirit is God. God gives His people good leaders.

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