Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 7 - 11, 2011

Can you believe it is November? Last Thursday I enjoyed attending the annual Alabama Reading Conference. I told the boys and girls that Thursday I got to be the student! I love learning! 
This week is full of excitement. Wednesday we will enjoy our band as they perform a special concert. We will Skype with another kindergarten class in Tennessee on Thursday and students will begin learning their parts for the annual Christmas Play. In addition, we have a short week. Friday we will be out of school to celebrate Veteran’s Day.
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: is, it
    • Language/Writing Skills: describing words
    • Phonics focus: /l/; blending words with “-it”
    • Comprehension skill focus: Fantasy and Realism
Handwriting Skills: Ss, Ll, Bb, Pp
Math: Complete Topic 7: Geometry (Solid Figures and Problem Solving)
Social Science: Thanksgiving and Veteran’s Day
Bible: Israel in the Desert; Target lesson: Thankfulness and self-control; Target verse: “We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands.” 1 John 2:3

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